Get your Deltec Home certified through one of the reputable third party green building certification programs listed below, and Deltec Homes will send you AND your builder a rebate check.

Conditions and Important Notes
- Rebates do not stack for multiple programs. Only the highest rebate that you qualify for will be awarded.
- Rebates will be awarded for completed certifications only.
- “Builder” is defined as the entity who is registered as the General Contractor for your project in your local authority having jurisdiction.
- Programs denoted with one star (*) require specific Deltec shell options to be able to meet the program requirements. Let your Deltec representative know you want to do this program and we can guide you on which options to select.
- Programs denoted with two stars (**), in addition to requiring specific Deltec shell options, also require significant planning within the home design in order to be able to meet very strict requirements for home performance. We recommend setting up a comprehensive phone call with your builder and the green building department if you intend to do one of these programs, and the sooner, the better.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the benefits of third party green certification?
The main benefit is quality assurance to you, the homeowner, that key science-backed practices have been followed during construction. There are many construction details that are all too often missed in a typical build process that negatively impact the efficiency, durability, and health of the home, and these programs introduce an extra check on those items to ensure they are handled correctly. These programs also offer frameworks for how to select building practices and technologies that actually deliver exceptional energy savings, air quality, resiliency, and environmental sustainability. For the builder, adherence to these standards can greatly reduce callbacks and produce happier, more loyal customers.
Secondary benefits are the participation and support of programs that push the entire industry in a more environmentally sustainable and quality-oriented direction, and increased credibility and visibility for the builder (often, these programs provide marketing assistance to participating builders.) In some locations where green building certification is common, certification can offer increased appraised value for the home, as well as faster resale potential at a higher price.
In the case of Fortified Home certification, some insurance companies in some states offer reduced insurance rates.
Read more about benefits of certification here.
Q: How exactly do I get a third party green certification on my home?
Each program requires enrolling in the program prior to the start of construction, hiring a third party professional called a Rater to oversee the certification, following the specific building practices required by the program during the build, and bringing this Rater to the jobsite for key inspection points during construction to verify that those requirements have been followed. That Rater will then issue you a certificate once the home is complete and all criteria are met.
Read more detail about the process here.
Q: Why is the rebate partly to me and partly to my builder?
Your builder must be on board for green building certification to succeed, as he or she will be the one responsible for ensuring that many of the requirements not provided by the Deltec building shell are met. This will general involve some work and supervision on their part. Our hope with this rebate is to reduce the barriers to getting green building certification, and the builder plays a critical role in this process.
Q: What if I’m an owner-builder? Can I get both the homeowner rebate and the builder rebate?
Yes. You must submit proof that you are the official General Contractor for the project on record with your local building jurisdiction.
Q: What if my building project from Deltec is already underway? What it’s already completely built? Can I do one of these on an existing home?
Unfortunately we are not able to offer this rebate retroactively to past clients who have already built and moved into their homes. For the rest, it’s is best to enroll in a program before you start construction, otherwise you might miss a key requirement and will fail to achieve the certification. Especially in the case of PHIUS+2015, Zero Energy Ready Home, or Indoor Air Plus, if you haven’t planned ahead before breaking ground, you probably won’t succeed at meeting the program requirements.
However, Energy Star for Homes or a lower level of certification through a program like LEED, NGBS, GBNC, etc, may still be possible to achieve as far into the process as the shell set—though you’d better get started post-haste if you are in that situation.
If your home is already past the shell set stage, I’m afraid you are out of luck. These programs are designed to reward practices that need to be verified during key stages construction—after that part of construction is past, it is too late to see and document that you did what you are supposed to do.
Q: Which green certification program is right for me?
There are many to choose from, and considerations such as budget, which program is more commonly done in your geographic area, and your particular green building goals will play a role. A comprehensive overview of each program, along with helpful links and resources for each, can be found here.
(Our favorite is the Zero Energy Ready Home—it offers an excellent framework for common sense energy efficiency and indoor air quality strategies, without introducing a large amount of complexity or cost.)
Q: What if a green building program used in my region is not is not listed here?
We have selected an array of green building programs that offer nationally or regionally recognized energy performance, durability, or environmental sustainability benefits that go above and beyond what is commonly achieved with typical new construction. If a program that you want to participate in is not on this list, reach out to the Deltec Homes green building department, and we will consider it. However, we reserve the right to determine the value of any rebate to be awarded based on our own evaluation of the strictness of the program, the science-based attributes, and the likely home performance benefits offered by the program standards. Some programs may not offer enough extra performance benefits above and beyond typical new construction practices.
Q: What if I do a lot of really green things with my home, but don’t hire a Rater/Verifier during construction and get officially certified through a green building program?
Only completed certification through one of these programs qualifies for our rebate. In our experience, the verification and inspection piece is an important part of what effectively delivers higher performing homes.
Q: I still need more help understanding all this, and with finding a Rater/Verifier.
Not a problem! Ask your sales consultant or Deltec project manager to help you set up an appointment with our green building department. We can talk to you about your specific project in more detail.
Q: How do I submit for the rebate?
For homeowners: Send a copy of your final certificate from the program, along with the contact information for your Rater/Verifier, to your Deltec Homes project manager.
For builders: Provide contact information for the builder to your Deltec project manager. We will need to collect their business address and some tax ID information to issue payment.