Archives: Timeline Stories

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B Stamp

In 2016, we became the first systems builder to achieve B Corp Certification, a certification given to companies who meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance. Read more about how we achieved this great honor & why.

Deltec homes custom home

Today, we have shipped over 5,000 homes to all 50 states and 30 countries. We remain committed to innovation, quality and the environment with every home we build and look forward to see what the next 50 years brings!

As a result to an increasing demand to even more energy efficiency and expanded design options, we launched the Renew Collection. Offering modern and traditional styles, each home is designed to use 2/3 less energy than a typical home.

deltec homes sustainable manufacturing

In 2007, we installed 273 solar panels on the roof of our headquarters to help us operate with 100% renewable energy. At the time, this was the largest solar array in North Carolina.

deltec homes factory

With a big increase in business, we moved into a bigger facility: a 100,000-square-foot manufacturing facility where we still operate today.

deltec homes original logo

Once our business shifted from commercial to primary residences, we officially changed our name from Delta Technologies to Deltec Homes.

deltec homes first model home

As more and more guests of these resorts inquired about building their own round home, business shifted from commercial to residential, and in 1989 we built our first model home in Asheville, NC.

Deltec home

Once they realized the inefficiencies of A-Frame houses, they began exploring the idea of a round design. The unique shape, panoramic views and hurricane resistance that came with the round design proved to be very popular with the resort industry, which was our primary business in the beginning.

Founded in 1968 as Delta Technologies by brothers Wayne and Robert Kinser, what is now known as Deltec Homes originally built A-frame houses.