Featured Homes

The first Renew Collection home is complete

Many may remember our excitement a few months ago about the very first Renew Collection home under construction in Virginia.  Today, the Ridgeline B model is complete and we’re in awe of how beautiful it turned out! The active solar home has 1604 sqft, 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. It features passive solar design, solar panels with battery backup, a double stud wall and mineral wool insulation.

Homeowner Dr. Marie DeVerneil, a professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, describes herself and her family as very “green”. An organic farmer, her top priority was to build a home that has a low impact on the environment.

“I teach a course in cultural sustainability at UMBC and am a member of the sustainability movement there,” she said. “I knew if I were to build a house, it would have to be as fossil fuel free as possible.” Initially, the Classic Deltec round models drew her to Deltec, but after the launch of the Renew Collection, she decided the Ridgeline was the perfect scale for her.

“The passive solar Deltec design works beautifully. The winter sun is warming the house during the day,” she said.  “As of today, November 19, I have yet to use heat in my house, as the house maintains heat to  67 F. during the night and goes up to 75 F.on sunny days, 69 in cloudy conditions.” The house is active solar, with battery back-up and she generates credits with the electric company.

“As solar technology improves, I intend to go off-grid. I just love the house!”

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