Certification Resource Links

Zero Energy Ready Home Resources

Program Overview

Register as a Builder Partner

Version 2 Full Requirements PDF

Version 2 PV-Ready Checklist PDF

Find a ZERH Verifier (choose partner type “Verifier” in the dropdown)

45L Tax Credit Information for Builders

Energy Star for Homes Resources

Energy Star for Homes Certification is a pre-requsite of Zero Energy Ready Home certification.

Energy Star for Homes National Requirements Page (select your state to see all program documents and checklists that you will need to review and follow)

Register as a Builder Partner

Find Energy Star Credentialed HVAC Contractors

Find an Energy Star for Homes Verifier/Rater (search for “Energy Rating Company” in the partner type dropdown)

45L Tax Credit Information for Builders

Indoor AirPlus Resources

Indoor AirPlus Certification is another pre-requisite of Zero Energy Ready Home Certification.

Indoor AirPlus Documents Page

How to Find IndoorAirPlus Compliant Building Products (PDF)